|font:Courier New||B:0|Extending the metaphor of the guidance counselor to CD, a smart-looking woman helps you with your college search. She presents you with a college-search application, with which you prioritize your needs and wants. Once you have finished your task, the program gives a list of colleges matching your conditions. |CR||CR||CR||CR||B:1|1/2^|font:Courier New||B:O|The program is not flexible enough to rank schools in descending order of how closely they meet your needs. Instead, it eliminates colleges that don’t meet all your requirements. Also, because the schools supplied the data for this disc, the information is inconsistent. |CR||CR||CR||CR||CR||B:1|2/2|CR|^|font:Courier New||B:O|*Multimedia technology brings college|CR| campuses to life.|CR|*Includes comprehensive information on over|CR| 1,600 four-year colleges, including over|CR| 1,000 pictures and over 50 minutes of|CR| video.|CR|*Offers more than 2,500 sources of|CR| financial aid, from government|CR| scholarships to frequently overlooked|CR| private sources.|CR||CR||B:1|1/2^|font:Courier New||B:O|*Complete descriptions on 150 popular|CR| majors--identify those that match your|CR| interests.|CR|*Explore 120 of the fastest growing careers|CR| in the '90s job market.|CR|*Take an online interview to determine the|CR| colleges that best match your personal|CR| criteria.|CR||CR||CR||CR||B:1|2/2|CR|^|font:Courier New||B:0|Available on CD for Windows.|CR||CR|Windows Minimum System Requirements:|CR|* 16MHz, 386SX processor|CR|* Windows 3.1 and MS-DOS 3.1 |CR|* 8-bit VGA or Super VGA video card |CR|* Microsoft or compatible mouse|CR|* CD-ROM drive|CR|* 4MB of RAM|CR|* 8-bit sound card capable of playing .WAV|CR| files and speakers or headphones |CR||CR|